Saturday, 12 March 2011

Fashion illustration

As part of the Textiles course we have to participate in a supporting study where we have the opportunity to look into another area of design. This year i decided to opt for fashion drawing as, if i decide to choose a career in fashion, this will be a good skill to have.

The brief we were given was to find some vintage clothes and re-invent them. From the offset i Knew i wanted to look at pattern and so I went browsing in vintage shops in Manchester's Northern quarter. Below are some items I liked.....

I really love geometric patterns and i wanted to use this brief as an opportunity to use some geometric prints from the past. The majority of the above patterns are taken from 70s/80s dresses. 

I wanted to use the above prints to create more modern garments. I used a photograph of twiggy from the 60s and adobe photoshop to place her over the prints to see how they look on a model.

I began to draw my own interpretations of the patterns I found on a more contemporary dress style.

Overall I think the designs are okay, they are not final designs but are useful in illustrating my ideas.

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